Monday, October 12, 2015

12-year-old Boy Stabbed to Death After Inventing World Changing Movement

A Chris Chandler Original Story

A young boy, Trevor McKinney, 12, began a movement called 'Pay It Forward' which consisted of himself, helping three people and instead of telling them to pay them back, he told them to 'pay it forward' to three other people, who which then have to pay it forward to three more and so on, in hopes to make a change in the world. I discovered McKinney and this movement when I was given a brand new jaguar vehicle from a stranger after mine was smashed by a criminal in his vehicle, trying to escape the police. I then wondered why this stranger was doing such a voulentary thing for me, and later he told me the story of how someone else payed it forward for him. I began to track this story and it lead me to several different people. After the man who gave me the jaguar, I was lead to Sidney G. who claimed that the 'Pay It Forward' was his idea. He adventually told me that it was some old lady in Las Vegas, Nevada who had payed it forward for him. So then I set off for Las Vegas, Nevada in hopes to find the genius behind this idea. I found the lady who had payed it forward for Sidney, Grace McKinney, 63. She claimed her daughter had payed it forward to her, who was the mother of Trevor McKinney. On the day of McKinney's twelvth birthday party. I got McKinney's address from Grace McKinney and confronted Arlene McKinney, 32, about the Pay It Forward, and discovered that her son, Trevor McKinney, 12, started the movement and then payed it forward for her. McKinney then agreed to do an interview with me about the idea of Pay It Forward and what had inspired him to start this movement. During the interview, McKinney talked about his social studies teacher, Eugene Simonet, 36, assigning an assignment to his 7th Grade social studies class to change the world, and he was what inspired the boy to create the movement. 

 Moments after finishing the interview, McKinney went to retrieve his bike and make his way home after such an astonishing accomplishment, as Pay It Forward was beyond more successful than the boy had believed. McKinney grabbed his bike and turned the corner to find one of his fellow classmates being punched and kicked by older boys; Zack Brown, 15 along with Nico Harris,15. McKinney sprang into defense before leaving the school. He got on his bike and rode into the scene, knocking Brown off his feet and onto the ground. Hearing the crash of McKinney's bike,his mother, Arlene McKinney, and teacher Eugene Simonet, saw the fight from the upper floor and rushed down the stairs to break it up. After rising to their feet, McKinney began punching Brown, in which he began to do the same back. Harris, standing and watching, encouraged Brown to punch and beat McKinney.  Suddenly, another older student, a friend of Brown and Harris. Loren Thomas, 15,  appeared on scene with a pocket knife. He grasped McKinney and  shoved the knife deep into his abdomen. After seeing what had happened, Brown and Harris ran away followed by Thomas before McKinney's mother and teacher made it to the scene. Simonet arrived to find McKinney lying on the ground with blood coming out of the  deep wound in his abdomen.  He rushed to call the ambulance as McKinney's mother arrived and tried to awaken McKinney. 

Pictures of the fight caught by school cameras

The ambulance did not arrive for approximately twenty minutes, when  they arrived and rushed McKinney to the hospital in critical condition. By the time they reached the hospital, it was too late. McKinney was pronounded dead at 7:25 this evening. After McKinney's death, there have now been several confirmed acts of Pay It Forward around the world.  Trevor McKinney's legacy of Pay It Forward is one that will live on and continue to change the world as generations pass.

Originated From: Chris Chandler